Dimensional Double Shift Official Logo

Multi-Dimensional Mayhem!

Join the Trainee Program for free today and dive into Owlchemy’s first omniversal hand-tracked cooperative multiplayer game.

About the Game

Dimensional Double Shift is an all-new omniversal hand-tracked cooperative multiplayer game! Assemble a team of up to 4 friends coworkers to run the Gas N’ Grill, an omnidimensional diner and garage. Work your hardest to please your “helpful” AI manager ALICE, or ignore her — she’s only a hologram. Fix, refuel, shred, smash, and torch as you help the citizens of the omniverse. The balance of floating roadside convenience rests in you and your friends’ hands!

This is an image of the Diner and Gas & Grill buildings from the game; it's floating on a green background.
Body copy includes two avatars on either side from the game.
This is the Conglomni Corp logo, which is the company that your AI Overlord, Alice, works for!
This is an image of Alice, your AI Supervisor at Conglomni Corp.
Meet ALICE, 
Your New AI Overlord

ALICE, Conglomni Corp’s AI supervisor, is here to keep tabs on you without costing a dime. Her personality is a delightful mix of Conglomni Corp’s 500-page rulebook, every cringe-worthy instructional VHS ever made, and enough footage of pretentious baristas to last a lifetime. Enjoy!

Game Features

  • Multiplayer Icon


    Join up to four friends coworkers for some epic co-working chaos.

  • Avatar Customization Icon

    Avatar Customization

    Personalize your look with a host of customization options.

  • Dimensions Icon


    Travel across the omniverse to different dimensions and serve their inhabitants.

  • Hand-Tracking Icon

    Hand Tracking

    Wave, grab, and high-five your way through the game with cutting-edge hand tracking.

  • Infinite Gameplay Icon

    Infinite Gameplay

    The work never ends! Fix, refuel, shred, smash, and torch as you help the citizens of the Omniverse.

Here we can see, Gil, the Gas n' Grill attendant, alongiside the Gas N' Grill Logo.

DDS Play Experience

What you’ll love about clockin’ in

Co-Working Chaos

Crack some eggs, weld some pipes and grab your friends or frenemies to clock in for a Gas N' Grill double shift.

This image shows the Gas n' Grill Play Experience in the Garage.
Here we can see a female avatar with purple hair and a futuristic style.
Here is an image of the Gas n' Grill nozzle spraying pink ooze across the page in the background.

Multi-dimensional Mayhem

Travel across the omniverse to different dimensions and serve their inhabitants. The real on-the-job training begins now!

This is a scene from the Gas n' Grill Garage, showcasing how the hands work.

Spacetime Busting Humor

Conglomni Corp. believes in a better tomorrow, from its lowliest unskilled workers to its most genius executives. Laugh through the tears of endless shift work with cheeky and provocative humor.

This is a scene from the Gas n' Grill Garage, showcasing how the hands work.
This is an image of a dirty sponge flying through the air.
Half-eaten burrito flying across the page.

Rewards fit for the Corporate Treadmill

Is there a wage? Of course! If by wage you mean corporate branded swag. Earn Conglomni rewards, the most fulfilling form of “payment” since team pizza parties.

This image shows the players having a huddle in a game scene where they are roasting marshmellows and playing music on a boombox.
Here is Alice, your AI Supervisor, from ConglomniCorp.


Conglomni Corp’s AI supervisor has been trained on the best data, and is ready to string together a series of words to keep you motivated! Corporate’s subcontracted outsourced programmers have moved beyond the GPT to the next generation GPC (Generally Probably Coherent). Don’t forget — she’s the boss!

This game scene shows the Shift Selection Experience.



Welcome to Treattle Logo
This is an image from the game showing the first dimension, the city of Treattle.

Explore Treeattle

Warm coffee, gray skies, and dark water — the emerald of The Omniverse! It’s the home of the Treeattleites and Conglomni Corp, the parent company of Gas N' Grill. Here the service is excellent and the staff is always friendly. You and your crew will enjoy being the desperately needed ray of sunshine for the citizens of this burgeoning metropolis!

Image of Alice, your AI  Supervisor at Conglomni Corp.

More coming soon, to be announced!

Join the Community

Community Event

Community Play Days kick off September 27th! Join for your chance to cook the best food or fix the most broken vehicles with our Owls.

Make sure to join our Discord: to join the fun!

This is another image of a futuristic female avatar with purple hair and lipstick.